

Monday, September 20, 2010

Great is Thy Faithfulness

God is good.

It does not matter if we sin on a daily basis. It does not matter if we forget to pray and give thanks for the blessings we receive on a daily basis. It does not matter if we completely forget about God and just come running back to Him once we are in deep trouble.

God is so forgiving and loving that He does not care if we are so selfish that we only think of ourselves. The grace of God is like a ray of light that is always on us. It never wavers. It never goes away.

Let us praise God for all the mighty things that He has done. Let us all cling to His wonderful promise of Victory in our daily struggles. Amen!

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

God's Grace is Limitless

The Lord has always been faithful. His grace continues to pour on us like a beacon of light. Sometimes it feels like that the grace of God is not on us but believe that His grace and blessings continue and it is us who step out of the circle of grace and blessings. The Lord is faithful and sometimes one can't help but cry because of the God's manifestations of love and grace.

Here I share Today's Word with Joel and Victoria Osteen.

Just Imagine


"No one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit, and no one can know God's thoughts except God's own Spirit"
(Ephesians 3:20, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria

When was the last time you imagined God doing something supernatural in your life? Is there a relationship that needs restoration? Is there a business you've wanted to start, but you are holding back? If there were no limitations on your life, if anything were possible, what would you be willing to imagine?

Friend, the only limits on your life are the limits you have in your mind, and God wants to do exceedingly more than you can even imagine today! He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and amaze you with His faithfulness. But in order for Him to exceed what you've imagined, you have to at least be imagining something! Why don't you take a step of faith today and let your imagination come to life? Begin to see in your mind all the possibilities for your future. Meditate on the amazing things God has done throughout history. Let that seed of faith take root in your heart. Hold on to His promises because He is faithful. He is able to exceed your expectations and go beyond what you can imagine today!


Father God, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Today I submit my imagination to You. Help me to see what You see for my future. Help me to take the limits off my thinking so I can receive everything You have in store for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

- Joel & Victoria Osteen

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