It is that time of the year where big store companies are putting up a mad rush for sales and unbelievable discounts. Who can blame these big retail companies as whether we like it or not, the season is indeed the time for big spree shopping. The sad part is not everyone can afford the luxury of buying their personal stuff, more so, gifts for their family. Let's take one segment of society, the military one. There are over 30,000 military families who will spend their Christmas without their dad, mom, brother or sister, for they are overseas making sure that peace and security are maintained the world over. These military personnel have sacrificed so much in line with their call of duty. Their families will be spending Christmas without them. How sad can that be when Christmas, after all, is about family and togetherness. Sears, in its gallant attempt to honor and respect these military personnel have come up with Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry
Qualified military families join by making a wish list visible at the site. The wish list range from shoes, clothing, kitchen products and appliances, TV and even gaming consules like PSP and Nintendo. Of course, one is not expected to donate a specific amount for a specific wish list. Drop by the site and contribute whatever amount your wallet can afford and your heart tells you.