“Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.”
- Matthew 6:32 NLT
In this word of political consciousness we are cautioned to be careful with the terms we use so we do not offend social sensitivities. I think there is wisdom in cautioning our very judgmental society. So who do you call pagans? Who are they? How do you identify them? Jesus used the contrast between the lifestyle of the pagans and the lifestyle of those who belong to His kingdom to make clear his instruction on how kingdom people should live. In giving instruction to his disciples regarding the issue of worry, he sharply exposed the different lifestyles.
How do you then distinguish the two lifestyles? We may have been exposed to the same harsh and hard realities of life; we may even have the same education, the same exposure to technology, and many other similarities. Yet there is an obvious distinction between the two. It’s in the area of our response to the pressures of life. Pagans helplessly respond in worry while the children of God, though they struggle over worry, they have the distinct strength in being peaceful in this high pressure life. The difference is not their positive thinking or outlook in life, it is the Master they know and they trust.
The Pagan’s life is deeply concerned with having everything in order to be happy. They exert all possible efforts to maintain a sense of security, and hopefully, peace of mind, while the child of God is equipped by a supernatural grace to not be overwhelmed by worry. It is not saying that we are numb or indifferent to pain and frustration. Like any other, we are all affected by it yet not controlled by it. Worry, hurry and bury: these are the words that describe a pagan’s life. Not that they lack understanding or the opportunity to change: rather, such worried and hurried lifestyle emanates from a relationship and existence that excludes the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Self reigns and self rules!
The sovereignty of self is the life style of today. Therefore it goes deeply entangled with a life of meaninglessness and worry. Both pagans and followers of Christ have troubles, no one is exempted. It is how they respond to the pressures of life that marks the difference. One is in panic while the other is mysteriously calm. Pagan’s life finds its nourishment from having things and collecting more. Jesus warns us not to fall into such trap, for once we were. Don’t underestimate the convincing lifestyle of the lost, for in many ways they get more converts from those who say they have trusted Christ. Simply put, pagans are quick to worry and are consumed by it. Jesus says don’t be like them for you have a Father who knows all your need.