

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Best Marketing Idea

My girls and I have been toying with the idea of putting up an Events Coordinator business. We have been coordinating events like weddings, birthdays, showers and what-have-you for sometime now all for free. Over the years, I have collected names and brands of caterers, photographers, cake designers, dressmakers, make-up artists and more. If we out our minds into it, my girls and I could actually make a success of this business. There's one thing to consider though. In order for a business to succeed, a marketing strategy is needed. I could go viral but that would take time.

What every business needs is a targeted consumer or client data base. Where do you get one? There are online resources for this and one such company is B2b Marketing. The company could give your business an updated direct leads to your targeted consumer. The company can give its clients a direct access to marketing leads that best suit their companies be it in the field of: arms adjusting, credit and other banking related matters such as bankruptcy and loan modifications, reverse mortgage and more. Since I am more interested in putting up a business, B2b Marketing could actually give me leads dependent on the core group or ethnicity,or income bracket, religion and many more. Unbelievable! Check it out.


Ailurophile said...

Seems like a wonderful company. I'll check it out. Marketing is of course essential in promoting any business or product. Loved the NASA photo in the post below. How incredible. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and hope you have a great week :)



First of all let me introduce myself Biljo Issac From Kerala, India I have completed MBA from one of the recognized university in India. After the completion of my Course I worked for a firm around two years then I left the job and I started one Charity home for the Poor, House less, Orphans etc.. but Unfortunately it needs too much amount for running routine activities. This organization has 83 persons. So I request you to Help me to run this organization smoothly.

I Expect your Donations and prayers

Please Reply

God Bless you



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