

Thursday, June 4, 2009

When the Bathroom Floor Falls...

My brother called me up all excited and hysterical. Part of his house's second floor bathroom fell through the ceiling while his son, my nephew, was taking a shower. Okay. I laughed. I can't help it. I could just imagine my 17 year old nephew hanging on for dear life while in the shower. Nothing grave actually happened. My brother exaggerated when he said the bathroom floor fell. It only shifted, err, down. The drain pipes are all rusty and have leaks that soaked the floor boards. His house is 35 years old and the plumbing installation needs a serious upgrade.

My brother has been fixing the "house problems" by himself to save up on money. I guess it's high time to call in professional help for his plumbing dilemma as the medium-sized problem might turn into a big disaster. If he only lives in Denton, then he could avail the services of a Denton Plumbing company. Brown and Sons Plumbing has been in the business for quite a while now as attested by the more than 60,000 completed jobs done by the company. The company specializes in slab leak repairs - perfect for my brother's need - , toilet repairs and other plumbing problems. I guess he just have to shop around or ask friends for a reliable plumber.

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